

Vrygrond Library Park Mission 2023

Moving For a Higher Purpose

The Mission

Movement 4 Improvement is a global fundraising community focused on Moving For a Higher Purpose

Between October 1st & the end of 2023*, the community will be participating by completing individual goals to achieve a collective one - to fundraise R430,000 for the benefit of Vrygrond Township in Cape Town, South Africa. We’ll use the funds to build new & improved facilities at Vrygrond Library, where children are in desperate need a safe place to play.

Participants will be running, swimming, biking, hiking, rowing, gyming, climbing… From 5km runs to triathlons, there are no limits to the events you’d like to participate in.  

This is an invitation to give. The aim is to test your own limits to achieve something you haven't before &, along with others, to help fundraise for a project that will have an immense impact on someone's life.


Ubuntu is an African humanist philosophy that believes community is a major building block of society. Ubuntu precisely means "I am because we are" in Zulu & places emphasis on being the self through others. This is what we want to adopt.

Everyone from around the world will be doing all kinds of cool things for the same cause simultaneously. Get involved & join the community! Tell your friends. Tell your friends' friends (:

We really appreciate your participation & support & I'm certain that the members communities we are helping do even more.

Let's Move To Improve.

*We have extended the fundraising period until the end of 2023 to help achieve our goal!


In 2021, my family & I fundraised to rebuild a school in Vrygrond Township in Cape Town, South Africa. It was my first full marathon & I have never experienced anything like that euphoria I felt at the finish line. But it felt even better because I wasn't just running for myself, I was running for the benefit of a whole community. It's hard to put into words how that felt.

I truly believe that our fundraiser back then was opened the door to something bigger. That's why it's a movement. As a collective, anything is possible...

This is an opportunity for anyone & everyone to join this mission, accomplish something you've always wanted to achieve & help us get to our new fundraising goal of R430,000 for the Vrygrond Library. Not only to do it for a community, but to do it with a community too.

Thank you so much for your donations, participation & support & I’m certain the members of the Vrygrond community do even more. 

Let’s get training (: 

-Johnny Sheridan, Creator of the Movement 4 Improvement Mission

Vrygrond Library Park Mission

Event Organiser 

Trusted NGO

Project Manager